Call for application to the ESCAP-ARTNET-ITD Online Course on Trade Facilitation for Sustainable Development

Bangkok, Thailand

ESCAP, in cooperation with the International Institute for Trade and Development (ITD), is organizing the ESCAP-ARTNET-ITD Online Course on Trade Facilitation for Sustainable Development on 3 August – 18 September 2020. Organized as a 7-week online training, the course covers several key trade facilitation topics, including Streamlining Trade Procedures using Business Process Analysis and Enhancing National Trade Portals/Repositories, as well as sessions on trade digitalization. Please refer to the draft programme of the course for more details, as attached. Kindly note that all participants who complete the course will receive course certificates. In addition, top performers will be invited to an advanced course to be tentatively held in Bangkok in 2021.

Target participants for the course are stakeholders from both public and private sectors who are involved in trade and trade facilitation, including those involved in National Trade Facilitation Committees. Participation in the course is free of charge. If interested, you may complete the online application HERE by 20 July 2020.

As the seats are very limited, priority will be given to stakeholders from developing countries in Asia and the Pacific. Please note that only selected applicants will be contacted by 24 July 2020.

For further details, please visit ESCAP-ARTNET-ITD Online Course on Trade Facilitation for Sustainable Development.


Sangwon Lim (Mr./Ph.D)
E-mail: [email protected]