Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation 2015: Asia-Pacific report and data

Bangkok, Thailand

The United Nations Regional Commissions (UNRCs) including ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP and ESCWA, in collaboration with UNCTAD, OECD, ITC, OCO and SELA, have conducted a global survey to collect relevant data and information on trade facilitation and paperless trade implementation in their respective member states. Outcomes of the survey are expected to enable the countries to better understand and monitor progress in trade facilitation, support evidence-based policy-making, and highlight the needs for capacity building and technical assistance.

The global survey represents a key initiative under the framework of the Joint UNRC Approach to Trade Facilitation, agreed upon in Beirut, January 2010 to enable the five UNRCs to present a joint global view on key trade facilitation issues. The questionnaire for the global survey was jointly prepared and finalized by UNRCs and OECD. The survey results and data collected are made available below.

Joint UNRCs Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation Survey 2015: Global Report

UNRCs Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation Survey 2015: Asia and the Pacific Report

