Trade Facilitation Workshop: Towards a National Single Window

Kathmandu, Nepal

The Workshop is part of the trade facilitation capacity-building programme designed for Nepal in response to a request from the Government of Nepal through the Ministry of Commerce and Supplies.

The objectives of the Workshop are:

  • To assess current trade facilitation environment in Nepal
  • To foster increased understanding and exchange of views between public and private sector stakeholders
  • To learn about and draw lessons from on-going implementation of paperless trade and Single Window initiatives in other countries in the region; and
  • To develop an action plan to facilitate Nepal's transition to Single Window environment.



  • ESCAP Trade and Investment Division
  • The Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, Government of Nepal



Sangwon Lim
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Facilitation Section
Trade and Investment Division, United Nations ESCAP
Tel: 66-2-288-2573
Fax: 66-2-288-1027
Email: [email protected]